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Don’t miss out on bonus entries!

Become an AirMedCare Network member. Join for the standard rate of $85 a year — or at the discounted senior rate of $65.
If emergency medical air transport is ever needed, a membership protects you and your entire household from out-of-pocket costs when flown by an AMCN provider.

Add Fly-U-Home membership for as low as $134 a year and receive even more bonus entries.*
If you’re hospitalized while traveling in the continental U.S., you have the option to be transported back to your local hospital in a medically equipped private aircraft — closer to your family — and there will be no out-of-pocket costs.

Add AirMed International for as low as $265 a year and receive even more bonus entries.*
We provide residents of the U.S. and Canada premier access to the ultimate in air medical transportation services whenever a member is traveling internationally, 150 miles or more from home.